From which age can I get kitesurfing lessons?
From 8 years old with a minimum weight of 35 kilos and in possession of a swimming diploma
At which location do you give kitesurfing lessons?
We mainly give our kitesurfing lessons in Zeeland, the Netherlands: Grevelingen, Krabbandijke, Oesterdam, Brouwersdam and Vrouwenpolder.
What if the weather does not permit to have a lesson?
We will try to plan in a new date as soon as possible.
How many lessons do I need to go kitesurfing independently?
This varies from person to person. But it is no exception that the first meters are made in the first lesson.
What are the schedules for the lessons?
As long as there is daylight we can give you lessons.
What do I need to take along to the kitesurfing lessons?
Swimming trunks/bikini and a towel, for the rest we have all the equipment. When you have your own surfing suit you can take it with you.
How can I pay?
The contribution is to be paid in cash in advance.
Can I cancel a kitesurfing lesson?
This is possible, we request you to do this ample time beforehand ( at least 48 hours) because of our planning.
Is kitesurfing safe?
Kitesurfing is a safe but also a risky sport. It is wise to take lessons so we can point out and keep you safe from the dangers.
When does the season start?
We start when the water temperature is warm enough, usually around March/April
Do you need to be physically strong to learn kitesurfing?
No, there are 6-year-old children who can kitesurf.